After another year and another trip to Unpub, I’d like to thank everyone for their continued support and feedback. In light of that, guided play has been retired until further notice, while I work some bugs out. Be sure to check out the Products page for other ways to play and be on the lookout […]
For everyone looking for new ways to play, there is now a product page detailing the many ways to play online or buy your own paper copy. You may also notice the products page has brought in some cats from the last Cat Pageant. More information about how you can adopt your own cats will […]
Because how can you possibly have something that became available today? By popular demand, Legislation: The Game has been approved for printing. Now you too can take a copy home on my store front. A couple notes: Any feedback or questions should go to the contact screen.
So, it’s been a couple months since launch. The top thing of note is that the first print version came in the mail and has made testing the mechanical aspects of the game easier. Here’s a short list of things going on behind the scenes that are done and/or coming eventually: Testing authentication libraries Securing […]
I drafted the initial rulebook in 2019. The first goal was to simulate the process of writing laws. Every political simulator was focused being or becoming president. There was an entire branch of government being neglected… and a market opportunity to create.The second goal was to build a game simple enough to scale well for […]
Thanks to everyone to attended the launch party on Saturday. I’d post pictures, but it’d look like any old Zoom meeting.